Eucharist. Unify with Communion.
The Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation form the path toward Holiness.
The preparation for children begins after 1st grade and is for two years.
Click HERE to learn more about SCDA Kids.
Contact Emily Bent, emily@scdayl.org, or Kimi Evelo, kimi@scdayl.org, with any questions on how to begin the process for First Communion.
Adults and older children
Adults and older children who have been Baptized in the Catholic or Christian faith, but have never received the Sacrament of Eucharist, please contact Mary Chavez at mary@scdayl.org
Adults and older children who have not been Baptized, the OCIA program is for you!
Extraordinary Ministers to the Homebound
This ministry is available for our Santa Clara de Asis parishioners who are unable to physically attend Mass. If you are in need of Holy Communion at home, please contact our Ministers to the Homebound Coordinator, Shannon McCarty shan0751@me.com
If you would like to volunteer for this ministry, please visit the website here.