SCDA Kids is dedicated to each child experiencing Jesus in a real and meaningful way. We are here to support, inspire, and replenish families, helping them to live their Catholic faith.

Our mission is families and supporting their faith through the avenues
of formation events and curriculum.

  • Ages 1-3 are welcome on Sundays during THE TEN, year-round, in Room A. SCDA Tots focuses on learning through play and a Catholic foundation. SCDA Tots meets both during the 10 AM Mass, and during Connect, when scheduled. FREE - No charge

  • Sundays during THE TEN, year-round, preschoolers will gather in Room D to hear Bible stories, create crafts, and grow in their Catholic faith through play and Gospel based, hands-on lessons. SCDA Preschool meets both during the 10 AM Mass, and during Connect. FREE - No charge

  • On Sundays, from 10 AM to 12:30 PM, SCDA Kids will be attending THE TEN with their family, which includes Mass followed by fellowship and formation. SCDA Kids Connect will meet by grade level and is designed with enthusiasm to help each SCDA Kid grow in their love of Jesus. Connect is on select Sundays when our community will group by age for relevant and engaging faith discussions tailored for each group.

    $125 per SCDA Kid


  • Eucharist 1 & 2 is a two year program for our kids who have already been baptized and would like to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation & the Eucharist. Eucharist 1 can begin when your child starts at least First Grade and your child must be at least 7 years old to be in Eucharist 2.

    If you want to have your child baptized, click here to email Emily.

  • Eucharist 1:
    ~ Attend THE TEN including SCDA Kids Connect

    Eucharist 2:
    ~ Attend THE TEN including SCDA Kids Connect
    ~ Attend two Sacrament preparation day retreats to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist

    Eucharist 2 Dates to Save:

    • Advent Parish Faith Day - December 8 | THE TEN - 2 PM

    • Lent Parish Faith Day - March 16 | THE TEN - 2 PM

    • Reconciliation Retreat - for the family - March 2 | THE TEN - 2 PM

    • Eucharist Retreat - for the family - April 6 | THE TEN - 2 PM

    • Sacrament of Reconciliation - March 23

    • First Eucharist Masses (4 options) - April 27, May 4, 11, 25

  • Each SCDA Kid is $125 per year. To register your kid(s), please click here!

    SFA families are still encouraged to register for Connect and attend THE TEN with your parish.

  • SFA families are still encouraged to register for Connect and attend THE TEN with your parish.

    Children who are in Second Grade at SFA and are registered at SCDA prepare and participate in their sacraments here at their parish.

    If you have any questions, please email

    Save the Dates:

    • Advent Parish Faith Day - December 8 | THE TEN - 2 PM

    • Lent Parish Faith Day - March 16 | THE TEN - 2 PM

    • Reconciliation Retreat - for the family - March 2 | THE TEN - 2 PM

    • Eucharist Retreat - for the family - April 6 | THE TEN - 2 PM

    • Sacrament of Reconciliation - March 23

    • First Eucharist Masses (4 options) - April 27, May 4, 11, 25


This year-round program, when scheduled, provides SCDA Kids with an energetic age-appropriate experience of God’s Word. During THE TEN, before the readings, SCDA Kids are dismissed for Liturgy of the Word with Miss Emily. No fee or registration is required.

Do you have a child who wants to become Catholic?

SCDA Kids Calendar

Core Catholic Video Lessons


JULY 7 - 11

VBS 2025

Registration opens in April