St. Vincent de Paul
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
“What can we do?... We can offer what little we have. We certainly have a few hours of time, some talent some expertise.” – Pope Francis (July 26, 2015)
If you are wondering what you can do and how you can help, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul may be what you are looking for. You’re invited to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to live your faith by loving and serving your neighbor.
What Saint Vincent de Paul Does -- Thanks to Our Generous Parishioners!
Santa Clara de Asis Catholic Church sponsors a SVDP conference (chapter) to help parishioners and those in our local community in need. Our conference is funded 100% by the generous donations of Santa Clara de Asis parishioners. As a result of these donations, we provide approximately $15,000 of assistance annually. Assistance is primarily for utilities, groceries, gasoline, and cell phones. We also provide backpacks at the beginning of each school year to needy students at our sister parish Immaculate Heart of Mary.
St. Vincent de Paul Ministry is responsible for the first weekend of the month food collection before all Masses. Please bring all canned goods, dried food, and toiletries. St. Vincent de Paul will deliver all collected goods to the local food bank.
Accept food donations first full weekend of each month, prior to each mass
75% delivered to our sister parish, Immaculate Heart of Mary
Remaining food delivered to Placentia Veterans village
Non-perishable food only, boxed or canned goods
No expired items, please
How You Can Help
We meet the first Thursday of every month for 60-90 minutes for reflection, to discuss assistance requests, home visits, and upcoming activities. During each month, we assess and respond to requests for assistance, organize the annual back-to -school backpack drive, and the Annual Adopt a Family Christmas gift delivery. SVDP is the main organizer for all outreach at Santa Clara de Asis.
Come To a Meeting or Give Us a Call
Adults of all ages are welcome. If interested in joining the Santa Clara de Asis conference of SVDP, please contact us at 714-970-7885, ext. 222.
We will return your call.
More About Saint Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) was established in 1883 by Blessed Frederic Ozanam in Paris. Their objective was to seek out and visit the poor, taking them bread, clothes, and friendship. The aim of SVDP is still to bring the friendship of charity to those in need.
A thrift store for Orange County may be opening by the spring of 2023 with many more volunteer opportunities.
Canned tuna
Package of spaghetti
Canned chicken
Package of pasta
Canned salmon
Package of egg noodles
Boxed macaroni & cheese
Canned soup
Cereal – hot or cold
Canned stew
Fruit juice – canned or boxed
Canned chili
Peanut butter
Pork & beans
Canned vegetables
Jell-o - instant
Canned fruit
Pudding instant
Instant potatoes
Pancake mix
Spaghetti sauce
Saltine crackers
Pasta sauce
Package of rice
Dry beans
Household cleaning items
Paper products
Bar soap
Moisturizing lotion