We are grateful for the dedicated volunteers who play a key role in our liturgies at Santa Clara de Asis. Your service enhances the beauty of our worship and helps create a welcoming environment for all. We are always excited to welcome new volunteers to join us in these meaningful ministries, where your gifts and talents can shine in service to our parish community. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to making our liturgies truly special.

  • Altar servers assist the priest during the celebration of Mass, serving as living examples of faith and service. They stand out as young people who are dedicated to their faith while actively participating in the liturgy in front of the congregation. To become an altar server, individuals must be active parishioners who have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. All altar servers will receive training and are expected to be punctual and responsible in fulfilling their duties.

    Sign up to Serve Here!

  • The Extraordinary Ministers (EM) Ministry is responsible for distributing the Holy Eucharist and Precious Blood during Communion at Mass. Baptized and Confirmed Catholics who faithfully attend Mass are invited to join this important ministry.

    Extraordinary Ministers will receive proper training to prepare them for this role. Volunteers are needed for weekday and weekend Masses. No prior experience is required—we are looking for active, dedicated, and faith-filled individuals who have a deep love for the Eucharist and a desire to share their joy with the Santa Clara de Asis community.

    Sign up to Serve Here!

  • Funeral:
    When someone we care about passes from this life to the next, we are here to assist with funeral planning and personal needs, offering support through coordination of funeral arrangements with a priest, scheduling the church and mortuary, and providing guidance on choosing readings, lectors, and eulogies for the funeral or memorial Mass. We are available as needed and do not require meetings.

    Ministry of Consolation:
    The Ministry of Consolation is an outreach program that offers support to parishioners who have suffered the loss of a loved one. This ministry demonstrates the care and compassion of SCDA by assisting with scheduling Mass Intentions, organizing visits from the Extraordinary Ministers to the Homebound, arranging meetings with the priest, coordinating meals or food delivery, and extending an invitation to attend Embrace when they are ready.

    *We do not currently need volunteers, however if you are someone you know is in need of these ministries, please let us know here.

  • The Lector Ministry is responsible for proclaiming the Old and New Testament readings at each Mass. Two Lectors are assigned per Mass—one for each reading. Volunteers must be at least high school age, with no maximum age limit. No prior experience is required, as training will be provided. We simply ask that our Lectors have a passion for the Word of God and a willingness to share that passion with the congregation!

    Sign up to Volunteer Here!

    Current Lectors Monthly Schedule

  • The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the comfort of Christ in the Eucharist to those who cannot attend Mass. We take the Church to those who are sick or homebound, uniting them with the Body of Christ present in our community. In this way, we continue the compassionate and healing ministry of Jesus. As Ministers to the Homebound, we are called to be present, listen, and help others find God in their life situations. Our Christian presence is a gift, offering confidentiality, respect, and acceptance to those we serve. Ministers must be baptized Catholics who regularly participate in Mass, communion services, and personal prayer.

    Sign up to Volunteer Here!

  • A sacristan plays a valuable role in serving the parish community by preparing for the liturgy, assisting during Mass, and attending to details as the liturgy concludes. The sacristan arranges liturgical books, vestments, and other essentials needed for the celebration of Mass. Sacristans typically serve one Mass a month, arriving 30 minutes early to ensure everything is set up properly and staying after Mass to clear the altar or prep for the next one. Volunteers are primarily needed for the Sunday 8AM Mass, but help at any Mass is greatly appreciated. Training will be provided.

    Sign up to Volunteer Here!

  • Our Worship Ministry at Santa Clara de Asis is dedicated to creating a culture of worship that enhances the liturgy and cultivates the gifts and talents God has given us. We strive to foster an environment where all are invited to participate and share their unique abilities in service to the Church. We welcome volunteers who are passionate about worship and eager to contribute to the spiritual life of our parish community.

    Sign up to Volunteer Here!