Martha’s Ministry
We are a group of parish women who love to entertain, are part foodie, and enjoy conversation when preparing food.
We help prepare and serve the food for our Parish Faith Days, Deacon and Priest Ordination Celebrations, the Easter Vigil Reception, and many other parish events. There are no meetings prior to these events – yay! I’ll send you an email with the details and you can let me know if you are able to help. Just bring your favorite cutting/chopping knife and an apron and join the fun in the parish kitchen!
Our signature event is our annual ladies’ event that is held each spring in our parish hall/church. Past themes were teas, fashion shows and dueling pianos. We begin our planning in January with weeknight meetings in a parish meeting room.
Come join us! I’m happy to talk with you more about our awesome ministry.
Martha’s Ministry Coordinator
Maria McFarland