Knights of Columbus
Council 13311
Founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity, the Knights of Columbus was established in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, an assistant pastor in Connecticut and a group of parishioners. Their goal was to bring financial aid and assistance to the sick, disabled and needy members and their families.
Today, the Knights continue that mission by supporting our parish priests, organizing and managing events (pancake breakfasts, Big Burrito weekends, etc.) and providing both financial and physical support to a number of charities.
One of the benefits of being a Knight, is access to one of the best life insurance programs in the US – great for parents of young families. K of C also provides a number of financial services including retirement annuities and disability insurance to raise funds for a number of charitable endeavors.
If you enjoy the camaraderie of brother Catholics who are servant-leaders in our Catholic community, we encourage you to join the Knights of Columbus today. One of the great attractions to becoming a Knight is that your commitment of time and talent is up to you! We realize you may have a hectic work and home life as a young parent so you can offer up service to God in whatever amount of time you can spare. Find yourself having more free time on your hands now that the kids are out of the house – now is the time to join the Knights of Columbus and have some fun!
Join online at https://www.kofc.org, email at knightsofcolumbus13311@gmail.com or call Grand Knight Jeff Spinazze at 714-742-1090. Vivat Jesus!