Confirmation for youth and adults is the part of the three Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic faith.

  • If you’re a high school student who has been baptized and received First Communion but haven’t yet received Confirmation, this is your opportunity to complete your initiation into the Catholic Church!

    Confirmation strengthens your faith, deepens your relationship with God, and prepares you to live out your Catholic beliefs with confidence. We’d love to walk this journey with you!

  • If you’re over 18, baptized, and have received First Communion but haven’t yet been confirmed, now is the time to complete your initiation into the Catholic Church!

    Confirmation deepens your faith, strengthens your relationship with God, and equips you to fully live out your Catholic journey. Our team is here to guide you through the process.

Begin Your Journey to Confirmation.

Please complete the form, and we will be in touch with you soon.